
The Carnot Network for Infectious Diseases

The Carnot Institutes are structured to harness their complementarity and unlock the synergies needed to come up with R&D solutions for tackling the key challenges facing businesses in different industries.

The Carnot network for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products

The Carnot Institutes are structured to harness their complementarity and unlock the synergies needed to come up with R&D solutions for tackling the key challenges facing businesses in different industries.

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Partnership Research

The Carnot institutes network brings together a large number of science and technology professionals, from sectors as varied as healthcare, ICT, mechanics, materials and processes, energy and chemistry.

Subscription to the industrial letter of the Carnot institutes

To receive the industrial letter from the Carnot institutes network, please fill in the following form:

R&D for business innovation

Since 2006, Carnot has been making R&D more accessible to all types of businesses to help them stay competitive in a world that is changing at an ever increasing pace. 

Business sectors

The Carnot Institutes comprise a multidisciplinary network capable of delivering responses for businesses’ innovation projects across all economics sectors.

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Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Beatum, inquit. Tubulum fuisse, qua illum, cuius is condemnatus est rogatione, P. At multis se probavit.